Welcome back to the kitchen! You probably got a few questions for me? Yes, I promised you from day one, raw and authentic.

Q? Didn’t you ever go to a doctor for a physical?
A! No, I thought I was healthy, young and only went to primary care clinics when my asthma was acting up. Turns out, steroids are the worst medicines for diabetics.

Q? How could you give up drinking booze?
A! I’ve never liked the taste or the feeling drinking makes me feel. Now, it all makes sense. Huh!

Q? Didn’t you have any diabetes’ symptoms?
A! We never put two and two together. From extreme thirst to telling The Hubs to straighten wall pictures to very swollen feet, the signs have been there for years (probably decades) but not one doctor or person said to me—I think you might be diabetic. Take it from me, be smart and don’t ignore the signs!

Q? Don’t you miss eating chocolate, brownies, ice cream or spaghetti?
A! Of course, I do. Especially when traveling. Airports have surprisingly very little compliant food choices. But, I always tell myself something—is having a bite of a candy bar worth losing your eyesight over? Not a chance, I’ve been there. Scariest days of my life.

Q? What has been the hardest?
A! Besides losing my sight and questioning if I’d be able to see Em play volleyball again or see my computer screen to write or see sheet music to sing, dealing with gossip and knowing neighbors were talking about me with misinformation, or gossiping about others with their health needs. This experience has taught me to advocate for those who (like me) desire privacy, a protection from gossip, lies and negativity. Everyone will have a difficult time in their life–why gossip about others?

Q? Does The Hubs eat differently than you?
A! No and that is apart of our secret sauce to success. We’re a team, along with The Folks. Everyone, important in my life, has changed their eating habits and routines to cater to my special needs. If I go to bed early, sure The Hubs might have a beer and bag of pretzels. But, he’s never eaten in front of me. I think my dad would tell The Hubs off if he did! The Folks would be offended to even think about eating in front of me.

Q? Your birthday will be the one-year anniversary, how will you celebrate the gift of life?
A! I don’t know. I keep telling The Hubs I’m eating a bag of Cheetos. We will “see” if that really happens. Doubtful. Very doubtful. Who I am kidding–it can’t happen!

Now, that we have this all out of the way! Let’s get moving forward!

One of the first recipes I tried to make was Taco Pie—even though I never ate tacos pre-sickness!

We’re on a roll. Life is sweet.

All this made with LOVE!

Jayne (aka The No Sugar Baker!)

No Sugar Baker Taco Pie


1½ pounds ground beef
½ chopped onion
½ c chopped green and red peppers
1 package of low carbohydrate taco seasoning
6 large eggs
1 C. heavy cream
1 ½ Cs shredded cheddar cheese

Easy Directions:

Brown the ground beef, add in onion and peppers. Let simmer while stirring. Add in taco seasoning and combine. Put this mixture into sprayed 9 inch pie baking pan. Combine the eggs and heavy cream. Mix and then pour onto the beef mixture. Sprinkle cheese on top. Bake at 350 for 30 minutes. Let cool slightly. Cut and top with your favorite taco toppings (guacamole, sour cream, cheese, peppers)! Enjoy!


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