
1 C. Swerve Granular
1 T. Baking Powder
3 C. Almond, Protein or All-Purpose Flour
1 t. Salt
1 C. Cold Butter
1 Egg
1 T. Vanilla
5 C. Fresh or Frozen Mixed Berries (Strawberries, Blueberries, Blackberries)
1 C. Swerve Granular
4 t. Cornstarch
½ C. Lemon Juice

Easy Directions:

Line a 9×13 baking pan with parchment paper and set aside. In mixing bowl, combine Swerve, baking powder, flour, salt and cold butter. Then, add in egg and vanilla. Pat half of batter into baking pan. In a separate bowl, combine berries, additional Swerve, cornstarch and lemon juice. Pour mixture onto crust. Top berries with remaining crust dough evenly. Bake at 375 for 45 minutes. Let cool! Top with your favorite homemade whipped topping!