
1 Unbaked Pie Crust (Use No Sugar Baker’s recipe!
1 8 Oz. Package of Cream Cheese
1 15 Oz. Can of Pumpkin Puree
½ C. Melted Butter
3 Eggs
3 ¼ C. Swerve Confectioners
1 t. Cinnamon
1 t. Nutmeg
¼ t. Salt
Top with No Sugar Baker’s Whipped Cream Recipe

Easy Directions:

In a mixing bowl, beat the cream cheese until light and fluffy.
Add in the pumpkin and mix again. Add in the melted butter and vanilla.
Add eggs mixing well after each one. Add Swerve Confectioners, and spices. Bake at 400 for 15 minutes, reduce oven heat to 350 and bake for another 40-45 minutes. Let chill in refrigerator for at least 4 hours.