Ingredients for Crust:

2 C. Almond Flour
½ C. Swerve Granular
½ t. salt
½ C. butter melted.

Easy Directions: Combine all the ingredients. Place firmly in heavily greased or sprayed pie pan. Prick the top with a fork. Bake for 15 minutes at 325. Let cool.

Ingredients for Filling:

1 Pint of Fresh Strawberries, sliced.
½ C. Swerve Confectioners
¼ C. Swerve Granular
8 oz Strawberry Cream Cheese, softened.
1 C. Heavy Whipping Cream

Easy Directions: Combine all ingredients in food processor and blend. Add in heavy whipping cream and blend again until smooth. Pour onto pie crust and refrigerate overnight.

Ingredients for Whipped Cream Topping:

1 ½ C. Heavy Whipping Cream
½ C. Swerve Confectioners
½ t. vanilla

Easy Directions: Combine all ingredients in mixer, mix on high until peaks form. Top the dessert with this yummy topping.