
2 microwave bags of Skinny Girl Popcorn
1 C butter
2 Cs. Swerve Brown
1 t. salt
½ t. vanilla
1 t. baking soda
½ C peanuts
½ C pecans

Easy Directions:

Make microwave popcorn and pour into sprayed 9 x 12 baking pan. I used an aluminum foil pan. On stovetop, in middle sized saucepan melt butter. After melted, pour in Swerve and keep stirring. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat, continuing to stir for an additional 5-6 minutes. Add in salt and vanilla. Remove from heat. Stir. Add in baking soda. Stir. Your caramel mixture will nearly double and became lighter in color. Pour ¼ of mixture over popcorn and stir. Pour another ¼ of mixture over popcorn and stir. Repeat. Repeat. Bake at 300 degrees, watching the popcorn closely for browning. Stirring every 7-9 minutes. Bake until the popcorn is almost dry. I bake my popcorn for 20 minutes.

Pour onto parchment paper, spreading out popcorn. Add in peanuts and pecans. Let dry.