
2 C. Unsweetened Flake Coconut
1 ½ C. Half-and-Half or Heavy Whipping Cream
1 ½ C. Coconut Milk
2 Beaten Eggs
½ C. Flour
¼ t. Salt
1 t. Vanilla

Crust Ingredients:

2 C. Almond Flour
½ C. Swerve Confections
1 T. Cinnamon
1 t. Salt
½ Butter, Melted

Easy Directions:

First, we will prepare the crust! In dry skillet, sauté the almond flour until golden brown—about 2 minutes, stirring constantly. Mix the almond flour with the rest of the crust ingredients. Press into greased pie pan, place in freezer while you make the pie filling! In oven, at 300, bake coconut on cookie sheet until very light brown. It will be less than 5 minutes! Set aside.

On stovetop, in medium sized saucepan, mix half-and-half or cream, coconut milk, eggs, flour, and salt. Bring to a slow boil. Stirring constantly. Let boil for 4-5 minutes. Add in vanilla. Add in 1 ½ C. Coconut (leaving remaining for pie topping!

Top the pie crust with your prepared filling. Place in refrigerator for at least 5 hours. When ready to serve, whip together heavy whipping cream, Swerve Confectioners and vanilla. Top your pie with the whipped cream and remaining coconut.