
1 Package of Nunbelievable Snickerdoodle Cookies (OR make NSB sugar cookie)

½ C. Butter

½ C. Swerve Granular

32 Oz. Cream Cheese

1 C. Swerve Confectioners

1 C. Sour Cream

1 T. Vanilla

1 t. Peppermint Extract

½ t. Salt

3 Eggs

Green and Red Food Coloring

1 Package of Keto & Co. Buttercream Frosting Mix

Easy Directions:

  1. In a small bowl, combine crushed cookies, butter and Swerve Granular. Press into a well sprayed 8×8 baking pan and bake at 350 for 10 minutes. Let cool.
  2. In a mixing bowl, whip together cream cheese, Swerve Confectioners, sour cream, vanilla, salt and eggs. Mix well until light and fluffy.
  3. Remove about 1 ½ C. of batter and place in small bowl. Add peppermint extract only to this batter portion. Sprinkle in red food coloring. And mix well.
  4. Remove about same measurement of batter again in small bowl and add in green food coloring. Mix well.
  5. It’s now time to assemble the layers of the cheesecake. Pour the green layer of the cheesecake onto the crust first. Next add the vanilla layer and finally top with the red layer.
  6. Bake at 330 for 90 minutes. Remove from oven.
  7. Let cool countertop for 90 minutes.
  8. Refrigerate overnight.
  9. Serve with No Sugar Baker’s whipped topping OR make the Keto & Co buttercream topping. I also decorated the top of the cheesecake with No Sugar Baker’s Christmas Spritz Cookies (crushed).