No Sugar Baker’s Take on Jennifer Aniston Salad

Going for the Yum with the Winning!


3 C. Cooked RightRice

2 C. Chopped Fresh Watermelon

½ C. Chopped Fresh Jalapenos

½ C. Chopped Fresh Cucumbers

1 C. Chopped Fresh Peppers (Green, Yellow or Red)

1 C. Fresh Cilantro

¼ C. Sunflower Seeds

¼ C. Purecane Granular Sweetener

½ C. Olive Oil

¼ C. Lime Juice

Pinch of Salt

Easy Directions:

  1. Prepare RightRice as directed.
  2. In a large mixing bowl combine RightRice, jalapenos, cucumbers, peppers and salt.
  3. Toss in watermelon, sunflower seeds and cilantro.
  4. In a small bowl, whisk together Purecane, olive oil and lime juice. Pour into salad.
  5. Let chill and serve!

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